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  1. Crouse, D. T., Lansey, E., Mandel, I., & Hooper, I. (2014). Light harvesting with metasurfaces: applications to sensors and energy generation. Applied Physics A, 117(2), 731-737.

  2. Mandel, I. M., Bendoym, I., Jung, Y. U., Golovin, A. B., & Crouse, D. T. (2013). Dispersion engineering of surface plasmons. Optics express, 21(26), 31883-31893.

  3. Mandel, Isroel M., Andrii B. Golovin, and David T. Crouse. "Fano phase resonances in multilayer metal-dielectric compound gratings." Physical Review A 87.5 (2013): 053847.

  4. Mandel, I. M., Golovin, A. B., & Crouse, D. T. (2013). Analytical description of the dispersion relation for phase resonances in compound transmission gratings. Physical Review A, 87(5), 053833.

  5. Mandel, I., Gollub, J., Bendoym, I., & Crouse, D. Theory and Design of A Novel Integrated Polarimetric Sensor Utilizing a Light Sorting Metamaterial Grating. Sensors Journal, IEEE 13 (2), 618-625 (2013).

  6. Enemuo, A., Nolan, M., Uk Jung, Y., Golovin, A. B., & Crouse, D. T. Extraordinary light circulation and concentration of s-and p-polarized phase resonances. Journal of Applied Physics, 113(1), 014907-014907 (2013).

  7. Penkov, B., Bordonaro, G., Golovin, A. B., Bendoym, I., Tennant, D. M., & Crouse, D. T. (2013). Periodic patterning using aerial image modulation with optical lithography. Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS,12(3), 033009-033009.

  8. Lansey, E., Hooper, I. R., Gollub, J. N., Hibbins, A. P., & Crouse, D. T. Light localization, photon sorting, and enhanced absorption in subwavelength cavity arrays. Optics express, 20(22), 24226-24236 (2012).

  9. Mandel, I., Lansey, E., Gollub, J. N., & Crouse, D. T. An effective cavity resonance model for enhanced optical transmission through a periodic array of subwavelength square apertures. In SPIE NanoScience+ Engineering (pp. 845735-845735). International Society for Optics and Photonics (2012).

  10. Bendoym, I., Golovin, A. B., & Crouse, D. T. The light filtering and guiding properties of high finesse phase resonant compound gratings. Optics Express, 20(20), 22830-22846 (2012).

  11. Lansey, E., Pishbin, N., Gollub, J. N., & Crouse, D. T. Analytical analysis of the resonance response of subwavelength nanoscale cylindrical apertures in metal at near-ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared frequencies. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 29(3), 262-267 (2012).

  12. Lansey, E., Mandel, I., Gollub, J., & Crouse, D. A new theoretical model for enhanced optical transmission through thin films. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 57 (2012).

  13. Bendoym, I., Pishbin, N., Lansey, E., & Crouse, D. T. Rapidly optimizing optoelectronic devices using full wave 3d simulation software. Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, 19(7933), 793327 (2011).

  14. Lansey, E., & Crouse, D. T. Design of photonic metamaterial multi-junction solar cells using rigorous coupled wave analysis. In SPIE Solar Energy+ Technology (pp. 777205-777205). International Society for Optics and Photonics (2010).

  15. Crouse, D. Polarization independent lensing and superbeaming in plasmonic crystals and applications to focal plane arrays. In IEEE/LEOS Winter Topicals Meeting Series, 2009 (pp. 50-51). IEEE (2009).

  16. Crouse, D., Controlling and measuring the polarization state of light using compound gratings and other plasmonic/photonic crystal structures and applications to polarimetric sensors. In Optical Engineering+ Applications(pp. 70650G-70650G). International Society for Optics and Photonics. (2008).

  17. Crouse, M. M., James, T. L., & Crouse, D. Fabrication, characterization of II-VI semiconductor nanowires and applications in infrared focal plane arrays. In Optical Engineering+ Applications (pp. 70950J-70950J). International Society for Optics and Photonics (2008).

  18. Crouse, D., Jaquay, E., Maikal, A., & Hibbins, A. P. Light circulation and weaving in periodically patterned structures. Physical Review B, 77(19), 195437 (2008).

  19. Crouse, D., Hibbins, A. P., & Lockyear, M. J., Tuning the polarization state of enhanced transmission in gratings. Applied Physics Letters, 92(19), 191105-191105 (2008).

  20. Ikram, A. A., Crouse, D. T., & Crouse, M. M., Electrochemical fabrication of cadmium telluride quantum dots using porous anodized aluminum on a silicon substrate. Materials Letters, 61(17), 3666-3668 . (2007).

  21. Crouse, D, "X-ray Diffraction and the Discovery of the Structure of DNA. A Tutorial and Historical Account of James Watson and Francis Crick's Use of X-ray Diffraction in Their Discovery of the Double Helix Structure of DNA." Journal of Chemical Education 84, no. 5 (2007): 803.

  22. Crouse, D., & Keshavareddy, P., Polarization independent enhanced optical transmission in one-dimensional gratings and device applications. Optics Express, 15(4), 1415-1427 (2007)..

  23. Crouse, D., & Crouse, M. (2006). Design and numerical modeling of normal-oriented quantum wire infrared photodetector array. Infrared physics & technology, 48(3), 227-234 (2006).

  24. Crouse, D.,  Phonon modes and electron-phonon interactions in cylindrical quantum wires: Macroscopic and microscopic analyses for device applications. Journal of applied physics, 100(1), 014509-014509 (2006).

  25. Crouse, D., Arend, M., Zou, J., & Keshavareddy, P., Numerical modeling of electromagnetic resonance enhanced silicon metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors. Optics express, 14(6), 2047-2061  (2006).

  26. Crouse, D., & Keshavareddy, P. A method for designing electromagnetic resonance enhanced silicon-on-insulator metal–semiconductor–metal photodetectors. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 8(2), 175 (2006).

  27. Crouse, D., Numerical modeling and electromagnetic resonant modes in complex grating structures and optoelectronic device applications. Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on, 52(11), 2365-2373 (2005).

  28. Crouse, D., & Solomon, R., Numerical modeling of surface plasmon enhanced silicon on insulator avalanche photodiodes. Solid-state electronics,49(10), 1697-1701 (2005).

  29. Crouse, D., & Keshavareddy, P., Role of optical and surface plasmon modes in enhanced transmission and applications. Optics Express, 13(20), 7760-7771, (2005).

  30. Crouse, M. M., Miller, A. E., Crouse, D. T., & Ikram, A. A., Nanoporous alumina template with in situ barrier oxide removal, synthesized from a multilayer thin film precursor. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 152(10), D167-D172 (2005).

  31. Crouse, D., Optoelectronics, Displays, and Imaging-Numerical Modeling and Electromagnetic Resonant Modes in Complex Grating Structures and Optoelectronic Device Applications. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,52(11), 2365-2373 (2005).

  32. Crouse, M. M., Miller, A. E., Crouse, D. T., & Ikram, A. A., Electrochemical Synthesis and Engineering-Nanoporous Alumina Template with In Situ Barrier Oxide Removal, Synthesized from a Multilayer Thin Film Precursor. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 152(10), D167 (2005)..

  33. Crouse, D. T., & Lo, Y. H. Nonsteady-state surface plasmons in periodically patterned structures. Journal of applied physics, 95(8), 4163-4172 (2004).

  34. Sundararajan, S. P., Crouse, D., & Lo, Y. H., Gallium nitride: Method of defect characterization by wet oxidation in an oxalic acid electrolytic cell. Journal of vacuum science & technology b: microelectronics and nanometer structures,20(4), 1339-1341 (2002).

  35. Crouse, D., Lo, Y. H., Miller, A. E., & Crouse, M., Self-ordered pore structure of anodized aluminum on silicon and pattern transfer. Applied Physics Letters, 76(1), 49-51 (2000).

  36. Crouse, D., Lo, Y. H., Miller, A. E., & Crouse, M., Self-assembled nanostructures using anodized alumina thin films for optoelectronic applications. In LEOS'99. IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 1999 12th Annual Meeting(Vol. 1, pp. 234-235). IEEE (1999).

  37. Crouse, D., Zhu, Z. H., Lo, Y. H., & Hou, H. (1998). Fabrication of photonic devices on Si using pick-and-place multi-wafer technology. In Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, 1998. LEOS'98. IEEE (Vol. 1, pp. 87-88). IEEE (1998).

  38. Zhou, Y. C., Zhu, Z. H., Crouse, D., & Lo, Y. H., Electrical properties of wafer-bonded GaAs/Si heterojunctions. Applied physics letters, 73(16), 2337-2339 (1998).

  39. Zhu, Z. H., Zhou, Y. C., Crouse, D., & Lo, Y. H., Pick-and-place multi-wafer bonding for optoelectronic integration. Electronics Letters, 34(12), 1256-1257 (1998).

  40. Lo, Y. H., Zhu, Z. H., Zhou, R., Zhang, J., Dagel, D., Srivatsa, L. N., ... & Crouse, D., Compliant substrate technology for heterogeneous integration. Critical reviews of optical science and technology, 56-79 (1998).

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Clarkson University and the

NSF IUCRC Center for Metamaterials

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